If you see something that doesn’t feel right report it at gov.uk/ACT. In an emergency call 999.

If you see something that doesn’t feel right report it at gov.uk/ACT. In an emergency call 999.

Current national threat level: SUBSTANTIAL

Counter Terrorism Policing

Working to keep people safe from terrorism

Counter Terrorism Policing is a collaboration of UK police forces working with the

UK intelligence community to help protect the public and our national security by

preventing, deterring, and investigating terrorist activity.



We prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into extremism


We pursue terrorists and work to bring them to justice


We protect the public and places from terrorist attacks


We prepare to respond to attacks and reduce their impact

Latest News

Terrorism related arrests hit a five year high

Terrorism related arrests hit a five year high

The latest data released by the Home Office shows that more people have been arrested for terrorism related offences in 2024 than in the four years previously. Last year, the police made 248 arrests which is the highest number of arrests in a single year since 2019....

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Safety advice for the public

It’s important to be alert, but not alarmed. With a little bit of knowledge you can increase your safety and know what to do if you see or hear something that doesn’t feel right.

Guidance for businesses

Counter Terrorism Policing works with a wide range of industries to tackle the terrorist threat. Your business can play a significant role in keeping the public safe.

Your skills can help protect the UK

Police jacket cropped

Why you should join

Find out more about the range of Staff and Officer roles and what it’s like working to protect the UK.

Regional Force Police Officers

Recruitment process

Find out more about how our recruitment process works and when you can expect a job offer.

Marine Policing Unit 16

Common questions

Interested in a career at Counter Terrorism Policing? View our frequently asked questions about the organisation, culture, and recruitment process.

Inside Counter Terrorism Policing

Our brand-new podcast series shares the untold stories of incredible women working in counter terrorism.

Advice & Guidance

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Report online at gov.uk/ACT

If you see or hear something that doesn’t feel right, report it online and in confidence at gov.uk/ACT

In an emergency call 999.

ACT Early Logo

ACT Early

If you are concerned that a loved one may be vulnerable to radicalisation, visit ACT Early for further information on signs to look out for and how to seek support.

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Whether you are a business owner, work in security, or are a member of the public, ProtectUK provides vital counter terrorism security information including training materials, protective guidance, and campaign toolkits.