Investigations Unit – Planning Officer – PC – Counter Terrorism Policing NW | Counter Terrorism Policing

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Investigations Unit – Planning Officer – PC – Counter Terrorism Policing NW

Contract type – Full Time

Rank – Police Constable


Information About The Role

Counter Terrorism Policing North West (CTPNW) is a five-force collaboration delivering Counter Terrorism (CT) services to our regional forces as well as forming part of the national CT Network. Our staff work to the Government’s CONTEST strategy under the four pillars of Prevent, Protect, Prepare and Pursue. We use a functional model with Senior Responsible Officers, line manged by the CT Head, leading areas of Investigations, Intelligence, Business Services, Borders, Special Projects, Prevent and Change.

CTPNW’s mission is to work together to keep people safe from terrorism. Our priorities focus us to drive business through performance, improvement and transformation so we can continue to counter the ever-changing threat of terrorism and extremism. Operational oversight and governance is managed by the CT ACC and the CT Head coordinates delivery against the four strands of CONTEST strategy (Prevent, Protect, Pursue and Prepare) in collaboration with local policing teams and other partner agencies. At the heart of CTPNW is our people, we are committed to continuing to make the CTPNW a great place to work.

For us to reduce the risk and threat of terrorism and protect the public, our people need to be at their best. They can only be at their best if they are able to be themselves at work and are supported through development and learning within their current role and future roles within the network.

We are looking for a committed and outstanding individual who can support the Investigations team for CTPNW.

The CTPNW investigations team are looking to recruit a planning officer to support the unit. In this post you will be tasked with assisting in planning CTPNW response to terrorist related events for the North West region and assist Senior Investigating Officers in the coordination and planning of operational activity.

You will be expected to assist in the planning, logistical and operational delivery of Executive Action and North West wide events requiring the deployment of CTPNW resources. This role is integral in our delivery and partnership work with outside agencies to assist in the production of plans for major events. You will be a key advisor to all 5 North West regional forces and departments on procedural matters relating to operations and within the National CT Network.

Please see attached Job Description for further duties and responsibilities of this post, please note at this initial stage, you are only asked to provide evidence of the three subjects below.

Please limit your response to 300 words per subject and note if you are unable to evidence these areas, your application will not meet the shortlisting criteria. These subject headings will need to be added at the end of your completed EOI (expression of interest). At this application stage you are not required to evidence the criteria from the job description, this will be covered in the interview stage.

1. Has an understanding of how to plan a policing operation including effective briefing & command & control.

2. Understands policing within the wider context of social issues; is aware of public feeling regarding the police.

3. Knowledge of contingency plans and operational planning guidelines.


How to Apply

Apply to the role by clicking the button below. Further information about the role is also available via this link.