Product Development Unit, NaCTSO
Tell us a bit about yourself

I currently work within the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Product Development Unit. I joined CTP just over four years ago and am passionate about empowering people to keep themselves and others safe from terrorist attacks through accessible and engaging resources. In spare time I can often be found outside on a hike in the countryside or on a run to a London bakery.
Can you tell us about your role?
Within the Product Development Unit, I work alongside a small team of very talented police staff to develop free counter terrorism awareness products for organisations and the public, known as the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) suite. This consists of digital products accessible via our public-facing website, ProtectUK, and PowerPoint-based sessions which are delivered by a network of police Counter Terrorism Security Advisors (CTSAs) to eligible organisations across the UK. We also play a key role in the development of sector-specific offerings with lead government departments and products for an overseas audience.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Everyday tasks will vary, which is one of the best things about working within the unit and allows each team member to develop a broad range of skills. Depending on projects underway at the time, my days usually involve collaborating with colleagues or suppliers to workshop new product concepts, utilising expertise and guidance to design content, and reviewing storyboards. Towards the start of each year, I am usually engaged in commercial processes to source the right people to work with and completing funding bids.
I may also be reviewing draft guidance produced by NaCTSO subject matter experts, government departments or partner organisations as one small part of a rigorous quality assurance process.
What has your career path been to this role?
While completing a Master’s degree in terrorism, I applied for a student placement within our Business Engagement Unit. I remember nervously submitting the application almost five years ago from a makeshift revision spot! My research focus had been on countering violent extremism, so I’m grateful to have been introduced to the world of Protect & Prepare. Months later I took on a permanent position in the same team, and it was then a natural progression from promoting the products to creating them. NaCTSO has given me excellent opportunities for training, professional development and many memorable experiences – I have never looked back.
What has been your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is generally the professional and personal growth that I have experienced since joining NaCTSO after higher education to now driving major projects and representing the organisation at industry events. In 2023/24, I led the development of NaCTSO’s second digital awareness product, ACT in a BOX, which aims to help businesses to exercise their response to a fictional terrorist incident. There were challenges to overcome, but we have seen thousands of completed group sessions and hundreds still undertaking the scenarios each quarter.
What do you find most rewarding in your job?
It is hugely motivating to know that your work has real value and can make a difference to someone when they need it most. Behind the laptop screen it is very easy to become detached from the impact of your job ‘on the ground’, but every now and again I will see one of our posters in a shop window or at an event. It really drives home that each user or view is a real person who has, hopefully, benefitted from the resources we provide.