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Business Change Lead


I am most proud of my work on my current programme leading the implementation at the new Counter Terrorism Operation Centre.

I am responsible for leading the implementation of large scale change programmes and projects.

This includes assessing the impact of a change on the affected parties, engagement with the relevant stakeholders, creating targeted communications campaigns to reach large audiences, identifying training requirements in order to provide new skills and developing new behaviours to ensure successful delivery.

Every programme and project varies greatly and they tend to move at pace, providing interesting and exciting challenges, often delivering new initiatives and changes at the ‘cutting edge’ of innovation.

It enables me to engage with a wide spectrum of differing teams across the CTP network and also with other private and public organisations.

This provides a fascinating opportunity see the ‘bigger picture’ by learning about what each function does and how so many different aspects interconnect to achieve shared objectives.

I have been in the Metropolitan Police for about 20 years and have worked in transformation programmes since 2013. When I heard that a relatively new entity known as CTPHQ was developing its own business change capability I jumped at the chance, as I was keen for the opportunity to work at a national level and join the complex and clandestine world of CT.

I applied forthwith, almost 4 years ago, and have not looked back since.

I am most proud of my work on my current programme leading the implementation at the new Counter Terrorism Operation Centre.

Bringing together for the first time all of the London-based elements of Counter Terrorism Policing, the intelligence agencies, and the criminal justice system, as well as other government agencies focused on tackling the threat from terrorism is a unique opportunity that I’ve been privileged to be involved in.