Head of Counter Terrorism Policing vows no hesitation if disorder crosses into terrorism | Counter Terrorism Policing

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Head of Counter Terrorism Policing vows no hesitation if disorder crosses into terrorism

As UK policing prepares for further public disorder across the country, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing Assistant Commissioner Matt Jukes has made the following statement: 

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing, Matt Jukes

Matt Jukes

“Counter Terrorism Policing is supporting forces across the UK in their response to the disgraceful disorder we have seen on our streets.

“This includes using our specialist capabilities to support the full range of police activity, including intelligence gathering and informing operational planning.

“We know that many people will feel vulnerable at this time, and we are supporting local forces with protective security expertise and advice.

“We have seen terrible examples of violent crime, disorder and criminal damage, and charges are already being brought across the country. I am very clear that using terrorism legislation or declaring activity as terrorism has not been, and will not be, ruled out.

“Counter Terrorism Policing is actively assessing incidents to understand whether terrorism legislation should be applied and we will make those judgements without fear or favour.

“Our message to those involved in this disorder is; we are watching and we will not hesitate to use our powers to protect our communities.”