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Northumberland Teenager Charged with Terrorism Offences

A 15-year-old male from Northumberland appeared in court on Thursday, February 27, charged with the following offences:

  • One offence of engaging in conduct in preparation for committing acts of terrorism, contrary to Section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006
  • One offence of membership of a proscribed organisation, contrary to Section 11 of the Terrorism Act 2000

He has pleaded Not Guilty to both offences, and has been remanded in custody to next appear at the Central Criminal Court on Friday, March 14.

The male was arrested on Thursday February 20, as part of a pre-planned, intelligence led operation by Counter Terrorism Policing North East.

A seven-day warrant of further detention was granted by the courts on Friday, February 21.

A residential property in Northumberland was also searched as part of the operation.