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Head of Operational Support

Can you tell us a bit about your career and leadership journey?


I started in the police nearly 22 years ago. Initially in uniform policing before I moved into a covert role.

Since then, I have worked in various investigative and intelligence roles focussing on gun and drug crime, financial investigation, professional standards and transformation.


What would you say you love most about your job?

The people I work with are fantastic.  They have some great experience and skills. 

The variety of the work that we do, which is often incredibly complex, keeps you on your toes and makes you think.


What actions have you taken to further your career?

I have made sure that I have worked across lots of different areas within the Metropolitan Police Service, but also within Counter Terrorism Policing.

I have been lucky enough to do a postgraduate diploma and Master’s Degree whilst in the police as well as being able to specialise in some areas.


Would you recommend a career in Counter Terrorism Policing?

Yes!  It is so big in terms of the network and there’s lots of opportunity to work in different places and environments and learn new skills. Whatever your interest is, there’s a part of Counter Terrorism Policing that you will be able to work in to keep people safe from terrorism.


Why are you proud to be a woman working in policing?

I’m really proud to be a woman in policing because I know that how I lead makes an positive impact on others.

With difference, we can make better decisions.  I see a real value in the different perspectives that women bring to decision making and to how we operate.

It’s really important to me to be a role model to other women who might consider joining the police or Counter Terrorism.

I’ve got two young children, so I understand how challenging it can be managing work and home life but it is possible and I’d like everyone to know that and it’s a fantastic thing to do.


What advice would you give women aspiring to join policing? 

The advice I’d give to women who are thinking of joining the police and are not sure if it’s the career for them, is that they absolutely should.

There are so many varied things that you can do. So many interesting areas that you can work in. We need women to come and be the difference, make the difference and to make us better at what we do.