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Inside Counter Terrorism Policing – A Podcast Series

Inside Counter Terrorism Policing is a brand-new podcast series sharing the untold stories of incredible women working in counter terrorism.

Every day, women across Counter Terrorism Policing work to keep the public safe from terrorism and play a crucial part in protecting the UK’s national security.

However, it isn’t always easy to talk about what they do publicly. So, in this special podcast series, we will reveal what it’s really like to tackle the terrorist threat as your day job.

Across five episodes, you will hear from women who work in intelligence, investigations, forensics, countering extreme right-wing terrorism, and covert surveillance.

Every Thursday, we will drop a new episode:  

  • 6 March – Emma: the woman recruiting our covert human sources
  • 13 March – Jo: from a rural town to banning extremist groups
  • 20 March – Jess: the woman leading counter terrorism investigations
  • 27 March – Heidi: Secondary school teacher turned intelligence analyst
  • 3 April – Cassandra: 40 years of forensics and CSI, giving a voice to those who no longer have one

You can find and listen to Inside Counter Terrorism Policing wherever you get your podcasts:

Episode One: Emma: the woman recruiting our covert human sources 

In episode 1, you will hear from someone who can never discuss a lot of what she does. She has worked in cybercrime teams tackling sexual predators, then moved into counter terrorism surveillance, and is now in human intelligence, working as a handler of covert sources. 

She talks about why she loves her job and the importance that human intelligence plays in stopping terrorism:
Working with sources is absolutely fascinating. I love people and I think that was the game changer for me. I jumped at the chance to be in this world when I found out that civilians could be handlers, not just officers. No two days are the same, everybody’s different. People are unpredictable.

Source Handler, Counter Terrorism Policing

Having first worked in a Regional Organised Crime Unit tackling sexual predators, ‘Emma’ moved into one of Counter Terrorism Policing’s surveillance teams before taking up her current role as a handler of covert human intelligence sources.

Episode Two: Jo: From the physio table to outlawing terror groups

In episode 2, you will hear from ‘Jo’ who began her journey as a police officer and is now an expert in extreme right-wing terrorism. Throughout her journey, Jo has worked in prisons, with serious and organised crime, and has recently helped secure the banning of Terrorgram, now an illegal terrorist organisation in the UK. 

Guides are being shared to do with firearms or bombs. But that might have been one that was always used in the Islamist space. But the right-wing space are now sharing it as well, because it’s not black and white anymore.


Police Officer, Counter Terrorism Policing

Before joining CTP, ‘Jo’ started her policing journey as a response officer where she experienced a huge range of incidents and investigations, including the most distressing case of her career.

Episode Three: Jess: From a night shift response officer to bringing down international terrorists

In episode three you will hear about the gruelling and intense life of a senior investigating officer (SIO). ‘Jess’ is a Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) SIO who shares what it’s like to lead high-profile terrorism investigations.

Sometimes when I get work phone calls out of hours and you’re really worried before you answer it, ‘Is someone going to tell me that one of my people that I have under investigation, one of my subjects of interest, has done something?


Senior Investigating Officer (SIO), Counter Terrorism Policing

Jess became a detective in the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at Charing Cross where she experienced a whole range of jobs from pickpockets, bar brawls, ‘smash and grabs’ at high-end luxury stores, and she even dealt with a few celebrities in her time there. ‘Jess’ then made the switch to CTP and put her investigative experience to good use by becoming a senior investigating officer.

Seen or heard something that doesn’t feel right? 

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