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Internal Communications Assistant

Can you tell us about your role?

Sakina Gharda


My role is to support Counter Terrorism Policing’s communications team in delivering messages across our workforce and helping to provide insight and updates covering a whole range of operational and corporate issues.

I do this through keeping the intranet updated with relevant stories, information and key contacts. When there is a major incident, my role is to help gather and publish real-time updates to keep colleagues well informed which is particularly important in the event of fast moving investigations.

Another part of my role is supporting the planning of events for staff and officers and ensuring that as many people as possible attend!   


What do you enjoy most about it?

Policing is a unique environment and being a small part of that feels like a real privilege.

Working in counter terrorism, means that there can be challenges when it comes to communicating certain issues, I really enjoy finding solutions to this and feel proud to be contributing to public safety.

No two days are the same and I enjoy the breadth of work we get involved in; from taking photos at events, to supporting event planning and speaking to colleagues to gather stories for internal communications.

Since joining the team, I have also loved finding out about the vast array of police staff that play a role in the smooth running of Counter Terrorism Policing across the country.


How did you get into the role?

As a student currently reading English at university, I’ve always been interested in writing, publishing articles and creating fresh content for different audiences.

When I spotted that student placements were available in the communications team at CTP, I had to apply!

I was excited to use my skills and play my part in protecting the public and this placement has given me fantastic exposure to all aspects of communications.

It’s also highlighted the type of opportunities that are available to me when I complete my studies.  


What is your greatest achievement?

Entering the professional working world itself is definitely a big change from university!

Some of my greatest achievements so far might seem small, but have seen me jump out of my comfort zone, grow in confidence and develop my public speaking skills.

As the youngest member of the team simply speaking up during meetings and sharing ideas is a great personal achievement for me, and is also making a difference to the team.