If you see something that doesn’t feel right report it at gov.uk/ACT. In an emergency call 999.


We protect the public and places from terrorist attacks

By developing close relationships with the public and commercial organisations we work to protect our communities and infrastructure. Teams of Counter Terrorism Security Advisors work alongside colleagues from other emergency services, local authorities and businesses to help strengthen security and keep the public safe.

This work is particularly important in crowded places such as shopping centres, sports and entertainment venues.

We regularly run awareness campaigns to ensure staff employed in these areas are informed about the threat and vigilant to suspicious behaviour.

You may see police officers deployed in strength throughout a specific area. This is national policing tactic known as Project Servator which aims to disrupt and deter crime – while offering reassurance to the public. These deployments can happen at any time of the day and in any location across the UK.

Counter Terrorism Policing also has officers based overseas to help protect the UK’s interests and citizens travelling or working abroad. This might include border security measures or liaising with local law enforcement to share vital intelligence.

Counter Terrorism Policing Border Officers are at the front line of protecting national security from the threats posed by terrorism at UK borders and ports.  Borders officers manage the threats posed by individuals and groups seeking to travel across borders in furtherance of terrorism. Schedule 7 is one of the vital tools Border Police use to keep the public safe.

Whether you are a business owner, work in security, or are a member of the public, ProtectUK provides vital counter terrorism security information including training materials, protective guidance, and campaign toolkits.