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Year In Review 2018: All-Female Terror Plot

As 2018 draws to a close and the new year begins we’re looking back at Counter Terrorism Policing‘s commitment and dedication to protect the public and our national security by preventing, deterring and investigating terrorist activity. This includes terror plots that have been foiled, acts of outstanding bravery and some of world’s most dangerous people being put behind bars. Join us as we look back over the past 12 months…

In 2018, an 18-year-old woman was jailed for 13 years for planning terrorist attacks in London with her sister and mother.

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Safaa Boular 

The investigation by Counter Terrorism Policing was the first all-female plot resulting in significant prison sentences;

Safaa Boular of south-west London, was sentenced two terms of life imprisonment for two counts of preparation of terrorist acts, contrary to section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006. She must serve a minimum of 13 years’ imprisonment.

Safaa’s sister, Rizlaine Boular, 22, of central London and her mother, Mina Dich, 44, of south-west London both previously pleaded guilty to preparation of terrorist acts contrary to section 5 of TACT 2006.

Rizlaine was sentenced on 15 June to life imprisonment and ordered to serve a minimum of 16 years. Mina was also sentenced on 15 June to an extended sentence of 11 years and nine months, comprised of six years and nine months’ imprisonment and an additional five years on licence.

Khawla Barghouthi, 21, of north-west London previously pleaded guilty to having information about acts of terrorism contrary to section 38 of TACT 2000. She was sentenced on 22 June to 28 months’ imprisonment.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon, Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing said: “This investigation started with Safaa and her attempts to travel out to Syria, marry a Daesh fighter and support their terrorist activity. Having been prevented from travelling to Syria, she then set about plotting an attack in the UK but her plans were being covered by the counter terrorism network and security services.

“After Safaa was arrested and charged, her mother and sister tried to pick up where she left off. But again, working with the security services, we tracked their plans and stopped them before they were able to put them into practice.

“All three women were filled with hate and toxic ideology and were determined to carry out a terrorist attack. Had they been successful, it could well have resulted in people being killed or seriously injured.

“But thanks to the work of the security services and Counter Terrorism Police, their plans never came to fruition.”

What you can do…

We need your help to stop terrorists being able to plan, prepare and carry out attacks, groom or recruit people or encourage others to carry out attacks. You may have seen or heard something that could be that vital piece of information that will help to stop a terrorist attack.

If you have any information about suspicious activity or behaviour please report it. Use our secure online form at gov.uk/ACT Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 789 321.

In an emergency you should always dial 999.

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